Dannie M. Olguin

Dannie M. Olguin Except for that brief time in fourth grade when Dannie M. Olguin wanted to be either a tight-rope walker or a bounty hunter, all she ever wanted to be is a writer. She even scratched out Danielle Steel's last name in magazine ads and replaced it with her own. Reading and writing were her escape, and she fully credits books and writing with surviving her childhood.

She is a member of various online and in-person writers and critique groups and attends conferences regularly. In 2019, she co-taught a class at Dallas Fort Worth Writers Conference. In 2018, she was chosen to share a narrative nonfiction piece in front of 500 strangers at a true storytelling event. As an introvert with a fear of public speaking, this tops her list of Scariest Things She’s Ever Done—and she taught her kid how to drive in Dallas! She also once took the watch off a dead man and gave it to her mother. She swears no laws were broken and that taking the watch wasn’t nearly as badass as it sounds

Website: www.dmolguin.com
TikTok: @danniemolguin
Facebook: @DannieMOlguin
Twitter: @DannieMOlguin

